Friday, October 30, 2009


In the spirit of Halloween, I wanted take some time and delve into the Ghost Stories:Fact or Fiction that surround Walt Disney World. It may be the 'happiest place on Earth', but in a place that's filled with so much emotion, imagination and inspiration, who's to say that some of that 'energy' hasn't stuck around long after the people have left.

THe most popular Ghost on property is George at the(WDW)Pirates of the Carribbean in the 'burning city' scene. Between what I've found on the Disney blogs (Disboards) and some first and second hand accounts I have compiled as much information as I could. George, the person, was a welder working at a high altitude when he either fell or had something fell on him when the ride was being built. His spirit is still very active in the ride to this day. In fact people have claimed to be riding through his scene taunting or challenging him. . . and he had made things move. According to one Disboard blog, they were yelling "George is not Real" over and over. Half way through the third time, thier boat jerked. (DISCLAIMER- Please don't try it unless it's just your people in the boat. You don't want to wreck the ride for other guests.) Stories of seeing lanterns moving that aren't supposed to move(came from a co-worker first hand), the door in the jail scene behind the dog with the keys opens after they know for sure it's been closed(from the Disboards), and seeing shadows / silhouettes in the tower are all over the web. Rumor has it that if the cast members don't tell George Good Night over the PA system before they leave for the night, the ride will break down the next day. (some postings say it's Good Night and Good Morning). In one Disboard posting a person, identifying himself as being a POTC cast member, said that they have also had thier costumes tugged on and somethings George appears in the surveilance cameras. Up until his Widow's death it is said that every year she would ride through the attraction and leave flowers for her husband. Another Disboard writer claims that George stays in the tower (I'm not quite sure where that is) and that they call the door behind the dog 'George's door'. If this door is open, the ride will shut down.

One of the challenges of researching for this blog is not only weeding out the urban
legend from the true stories, but trying to figure out which incidents were at Disney World vs Disneyland. In one Disboard blog, it is believed that seven spirits live at Disneyland(1 lives in the haunted mansion). . . .Take that tidbit for what it's worth. In Disneyland there is a story of a mother wanting to dump her dead son's ashes at the POTC ride. Of course Disney said No; however,rumor has it that she rode the ride and did it anyway. Now, there are reports of seeing a young boy riding the boats in the surveilence cameras after the parks are closed. This story/urban legend has been said to have happened at both POTC and the Haunted Mansion at both Disneyland and Magic Kingdom. Knowing people, I wouldn't be surprised if has happened numerous times over the years.

The Haunted Mansions on both coasts have the next most written about haunts. . . true haunts, not the imagineering created ones. On a Disboard blog, (Disneyland)there have been reports of seeing a boy crying at the exit. Guests have said they asked him if he needed help, but that he would never respond to them. THe Guests would go get a cast member, but when they returned he'd be gone. One of my co-workers worked at the Magic Kingdom Mansion on a slow night. He was on the exit zone and didn't want to keep walking the moving side walk for nothing, so he stepped off the 'treadmill' and was standing in the curtians where he could still see the cars coming. After a while he heard a child laughing, thinking that guests were coming, he stepped back on the moving platform to greet them. . . no child ever came around the corner. I also read an identical story to this one on a disboard too, so apparently the laughing child is a regular occurance. In this version, the attendant called to his fellow cast member on the loading side of the ride, they said no one had entered for over 1/2 hour, so the ride was completely empty. Another report on the Disboards talk about guests seeing a young child running around the ballroom scene. Of course when Cast went to go check it out, no one was there.

Some of the other Mansion sightings are of a man entering the ride near closing, but the cast member at the exit area never see him. I also found reports of a guest who died of a heart attack in 1970 (so this had to be Disneyland). Is this the mysterious man ? Not sure. There's also several stories of a man with a cane who is seen late at night, especially after closing. Story has it that a small plane crash landed in a lake nearby before the park was built and they feel it's him. . . I'm not so sure on this one either. Urban legend ? Dearly departed ? Let me know what you think.

One of the other popular stories revolves around Grad Night. (a.k.a. Give teenagers free reign of a park at night and pray they don't kill each other night.)Apparently, a guy climbed out of the Haunted Mansion car in the seance room and fell to his death. Could he be one of these ghosts? or maybe he's the 'man in the tux' that's sometimes seen in the mirrors used by cast members so they can see people coming around the corner ? One story tells of a female seeing the man then feeling a hand on her shoulder. No one was there. She ran out of the mansion and quit her job (one account has said she vowed to never work at the mansion again. Another version of the story says that this was at the loading zone and she kept seeing shadows before being touched. Either way, she ran out of the building, never to return. There also seems to be something/someone hanging around the 'endless hallway' room behind the candelabra. There was a Disboard snippet that said there were reports of a shadowy figure running at the cast members on who were walking the track after hours, then it simply vanishes. Again, take it for what it's worth.

Splash Mountian, around drop three, a guest was having a heart attack on the ride and tried to get out of the log ride and was crushed to death, now when people do a ride through there are reports of seeing shadows moving around the Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah scene. At Tom Sawyer's Island it is said to be haunted by two people that drowned while trying to swim across the moat during, guess when? . . . Grad Night !! Another tale of stupid people on parade, I mean Grad Night, is on the Wed Way People mover. Mr High School Grad decided to change cars and slipped. Yep, you guessed it, he got smushed by the car. Story tells of people being touched and hair being pulled (at Disneyland, i believe)

On the Matterhorn, it's told that someone named Dolly was thrown from the car when she undid her seat belt and wanted to stand up. THe car hit a decline, she fell out and was ran over by the car. Joining Dolly there is said to be the spirit of a guy who unbuckled his safety gear, stood up during the ride and was knocked out of the car by a low beam on what night? (wait for it . . .) Grad Night !!! On the Disboards, at Space Mountian, they talk about a ghost they called Mr. One Way, who supposedly died in the 70's. Descibed as a large man with reddish hair, he's seen getting into a car with a lone rider then vanishing. The Christmas shop (Which happens to be the only merchandise shop i saw anything written about) reports have been documented that a face on a photo changes from a straight face to a frown.

At the Castle there have been reports of a little girl who died on the way to Disney, now her spirit roams the parks. This one sounds more like some graveyard stories of spirits hitch hiking only to vanish when the car stops at thier destination. But if you can document it actually happening, let me know. In another report there are sightings of a tan figure walking down main street. Again, if you've heard actual incidents let me know. In one Disboard posting said that a little girls haunts the Beauty and the Beast stage at the Studios. I've worked there and never saw or felt anything.

Staying at the Studios for a moment, there are reports of a man walking around the Tower of Terror after hours going the wrong way. When they call to him, he doesn't answer and fades away. One of my co-workers said a friend of his was loading the ride and got a call from the control center to tell the man who was standing up to sit down. She told him there was no one standing in the car. The person watching the survelience camera said there was some one standing. She looked again and saw no one standing, so she sent the ride. This next one i've added a link to youtube for it. Watch it and see what you think. . . real or photoshop ?

I have my own first hand sighting story while i was working at Indiana Jones Stunt show. Earlier in the day i made a mad dash run to the commissary to get my lunch. I had hoped to beat a huge thunderstorm that was in the horizon. I didn't made it. In fact as I crossed stage, now turned into a wading pool, lighting struck right behind the berm (a couple hundred yards away). I felt something in the water. Whether it was electricity from the lighting or precussion from the thunder, I'm not sure. Later that day, I was standing in wardrobe. I was at the service window, next to me was a stack of t-shirts, next to that was the coordinator's desk. I turned to grab a shirt for one of my cast and saw someone sitting at the desk. I handed out the shirt, looked back and the figure was gone. This was broad day light, middle of the afternoon. I told a friend of mine and she said 'Oh you met Eddie.' That trailer has since been replaced, so i don't know if Eddie went a way with the building or if the techs(who now use that space) just ignore her. Did nearly getting killed by lighting have anything to do with my sighting? I don't know.

Moving on to Epcot, there have been several sightings of a little girl with long blonde hair riding in one of the cars at Spaceship Earth and a little boy who'll run in front of her then vanish. And one Disboard reporter said there had been a figure seen in the French Pavillion movie theater. Most peoplethink it's a straggling guest and would ask him to leave, when they turn around, he's vanished.

In the area formerly know as Pleasure Island Adventurer's Club, a disboard poster (I assume a cast member), said he'd catch glimpse of a figure dressed in white in the library looking over the balcony above the organ. A Disboard posting talked about a fire station's 2nd floor (empty space)being haunted. I could never figure out if it was Disneyland or WDW, but the report states that they can hear footsteps and knocking. . . settling building ? Maybe.

I want to end with a couple of theories to think about. Legend claims that ghosts, paranormal activity, poltergiests are drawn to and are more active around water. The entire space of Walt Disney World was build on a drained swamp. HMmmm. Makes you think. However, if you buy into the television shows that hunt for ghosts and such, they'll tell you that high Electromagnetic Frequencies can create hallucinations, visions, nausea, ect. What do you think makes alot of the rides and special effects happen ? Electricity and Magnetic devices. Another Disboard poster talked about Infrasound. the same technology is being used to try to detect earthquakes. It's out of human range of hearing, but some people can actually feel it. Do the dolls in It's A Small World emit Infrasound from thier mechanics, which creeps some people out. . . . or is it the song that gets stuck in our head that haunts us to our inner core. :)

Happy Halloween

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Several weeks ago,one of my readers 'wanted more stories about Fantasmic!". So here I go delving into the mental archives. Just so you know, my experience with the show was the opening rehearsals and eight to nine months during the run of the show. After that it was sporatic. . . very sporatic.

As I was trying to conjure up memories from 'umpteen' years ago, I remembered one that is more about the people who worked there and than the show itself. A vast majority of the techs and stage managers were, at one time, entertainers, ex-performers and garage band musicians, so one day. . . I mean night, after the show, they had a Rock Concert in the rehearsal room. And believe it or not, they were actually pretty good. Nothing was planned. Nothing was scripted. It was just a matter of "Hey, you know this one?" and they'd all start playing. I watched for a while, but around mid-night I left. I think I saw more vente Starbucks than usual the next morning.

Do you want to know the quickest way to turn a room full of adults in to children again ? . . . Hide Easter Eggs. Costuming sponsored a Easter Egg hunt and hid around 500 + - plastic eggs around the back stage area. Everyone impatiently waited through the usual pre-shift meeting with thier hunting paraphanelia near by. When the stage manager sounded like he was done, they make a break for the door. The manager yelled, "HEY, I'm not done yet." They all came back and sat down. He said a few more things, then they made a break for the door again. He tried to stop them a second time, but this time everyone knew he was just messing with them and they kept running. We had two shows that night and they even went out with the tech's flashlights between shows. . .talk about your dedication. HMmmm I wonder if anyone ever DID get that one out of the trailer hitch ?

When some one left the show, like "I'm leaving the company" or "I'm moving up to a new job never to return to this world again" gone, the cast always had a certian. . .endearing way of saying goodbye. It usally included a canister, or two, of baby powder and a trip to the locker room shower. nothin' says livin' like being tarred and feathered with babypowder in the shower. Originally, the 'leavee' would get thrown in the moat the night they left. However, concerns about what was exactly in the water stopped that practice early on.

The water in that moat is interesting. You can see to the bottom. . . usually, but then you start to think about all of the fuel that gets pumped through the gas lines for the 'lake on fire' scene, a large (i beleive four engine) steamboat chugging around the moat in an enclosed enviroment and just mother nature in general and Ewww. I never saw three headed ducks, but we always tried to keep them scared off the water. And yes, the seatmboat is on a track, but it does move on it's own power, thus is why we had a rescue boat that was able to also push a broken down steam boat back to the dock. I'll always remember when they drained the moat to work on it and found several missing costume pieces. Belle's crystal medallions from her dress. Mary Poppin's umbrella. The handle looked okay, but the fabric was rotted away leaving just the wire frame work. One day we set up the stage and left a large cloth bin preset off to the side. We didn't thing about it being as windy as it was. But when we came back fromour break, it was gone. And yeap, it was on the bottom of the moat. A tech armed with a grapling hook went fishing for it.

In the beginning, Mickey, as the Brave Little Tailor, was supposed to walk on water as he goes out to fight Chernabog. There's good trivia question for you. What is the name of the demon / dragon monster that appeared in Fantasia? Chernabog. . . Anyway, back to my blog. The 'powers that be' decided the walking on water image wouldn't set well with the conservative Christians of the world, so they added rocks and built a pathway out into the lake. I recently heard rumors of them wanting to reviving the water walk. We'll see.

In the beginning, the one thing we all loved about working at Fantasmic! was that we were able to park at the stage. No parking in the cast parking lot and traepsing across the park like they have to now. At certian times of the day there wasn't even a security guard at the gate. We'd clock out and be in on the road home in one minute flat. Then 9/11 happened and all of our parking became centralized and the techs got large parking lot to store stuff in.

One of my fondest memories of working there was New Year's Eve. We would usually have late shows that night and would still be at work at midnight. So we'd go out to our parking lot and watch both the Studio's and Epcot's fireworks go off. It was like fireworks in stereo. One year we even had fake champaign. . . you know, the non alcoholic sparkling grape juice :) to toast in the New Year.

So on that note, CHEERS !! and good night.